Higher Vocational Education
LIANG Kedong
Vocational undergraduate education is an important breakthrough to improve the modern vocational education system. Under the strong promotion of the policy, vocational undergraduate education is gradually “breaking the ice” in China, and various practical forms such as “transformation”, “cooperative running of schools”, “upgrading” and “transfer” have emerged. However, the substantive progress of vocational undergraduate education in practical exploration is slow. From top-level design to college running to professional construction, there are many practical challenges and development bottlenecks. For example, it is difficult to implement standard system construction, difficult to support and guarantee school conditions, and difficult to iterate and upgrade professional construction. Steady development of vocational undergraduate education is the main direction of vocational education development in China’s future, urgently need to strengthen the top-level design, improve the supporting system, find the development path, steadily expand the scale, strengthen school support, improve school quality, strengthen the professional construction, and promote cooperation to cultivate talents, focus on promoting the steady and long-term vocational undergraduate education.